Monday, November 26, 2007
Life is so CRAZY!

Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 6:38 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
crazy week
So I started working this week it was just the 8-230 wed & fri but she called & wanted to use me on thursday so i worked those two days... Then she got a job & now i work 1230-730 (generally earlier) & get paid a set amount. It's been really fun but also really crazy!!! Kevin gets to live with me finally which is really sweet except for the fact that we have to double duty gas since I work later & he works at seven or so each day...
we found a dog this weekend... I know sounds wierd... So the story goes like this... we were out yard saleing this weekend on saturday morning & we saw this little dog running around & since my dog got hit by a car I freak out at that so we tried to get it but it ran away... then sunday afternoon we were out for a drive and just as we left, we saw it again headed for this really busy street. so I jumped out & grabbed him, he is a really cute little white dog, not sure the type, someone said long hair chihuahua but he doesn;t look like it... he is a really mellow dog that is house trained & he gets along well with our two dogs...
well that about sums up our week other than I just have to say its so HOT!!! Last week it was in the 90s!!! come on its the middle of nov!!!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Happy Weekend!!!
This was one of the best weekends ever...
First... We celebrated our 2 year anniversary today... & even though we didn't do anything... I love my husband so much... He made me breakfast& changed the diapers & helped a lot with the baby! And I still get a present!!! He is really an amazing man... I love his so much! He is an example to me & he deals with all my inperfections as if they are nothing and the best part is that he tends to let me know that he loves me & that i am beautiful when i feel the ugliest & worst about myself. It's like he knows... I am so grateful that we are able to be together forever, we get to celebrate that anniversary next week (for those of you that don't know, we were sealed last year on the eleventh of november).
Second... I got a new phone... my old one just wouldn't hold charge & well pretty much it was falling apart. We couldn't get a brand new one but one of kevin's friends had a used (barely) razor phone & he gave it to me & kevin bought me a lime green cover for it!!!
Third... We finally got a new car!!! We have been really cramped in our little ford focus & thought we would never get out of it cause we owed double what it was worth but alas we found a good vehicle for us!!! Its a 2003 hyundai sante fe & not only do our payments barely increase, we have gap coverage & a warranty on everything for 100,000 miles plus it took almost four grand off our negative equity!!! so now we are only upside down about three grand... and its way nice, very lightly driven for how old it is... we love it...
Fourth... I made a decision!!! none of those options worked out really... I just couldn't justify anything so I was starting to feel really bummed but then I got this call on Friday afternoon that a lady had seen my ad on one of the many places i had put it & wanted me... so we go to meet them today, they have the cutest little boys, 5, 3.5 & 18months all very self entertained, they will take care of themselves & they pay me a lot... well i mean reasonable, 10/hr for at least 13 hours to start (two days a week, 8-230) then increasing to more as she finds a job.
So basically I lucked out with everything. This weekend solved a lot of my problems!!! Yeah!!!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 8:54 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I can't decide!
I am having a hard time with finding a job & now I am trying to find a job as a substitute teacher since I have the education background. I don't know!!!!!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 9:44 PM 1 comments