What a few weeks it has been! I swear I dont know where the time goes!
All about Brok's appt:
Absolutely nothing! We had to drive 30+min to make it there during the worst time of the day & then we waited for 20min to get called into the room & another 30+min to see the doc! Then when the doc came in it didn't get much better...
It was a resident doc who is the developmental pediatrician, he asked all the medical histories, etc & did all that stuff, he kept saying it wasn't Mental Retardation (ok soooo obvious) but never said yay or nay for autism. He kept saying that it was a blanket term for if they cant find something else wrong. So then he leaves and another 15+ min ago by, still trapped in this tiny room, & he returns with the pediatric neurologist who goes through all this schpiel about how they don't like to use the term autism & how Brok may or may not have it blah blah blah- still nothing to jump about, no diagnosis, no hope, NOTHING! Then he starts saying well we're going to test for chromosome abnormalities to see if there is something there & then if it comes back as nothing, we'll do some more invasive ones & oh yeah, he's going to need to have his hearing tested & oh yeah, he needs to have another pyschoeval through DDD. Anyway so still no answer, they took lots of blood from him & we get those results back on Wed. I guess we'll see what they say... I can't say I am relieved or disappointed... it seems like a big circle of never-ending nothingness...
I have been crazy busy... The other night I made something like 9 rags, 8 diap/wipes & 3 crayon rolls... & the next night it was 12 rags! I am anticipating more & more business since 2 of the sites I am featured on are going to do write ups about me this week... YES! Besides that I am sick, once again, but I can't tell if it's allergies or just lack of sleep causing a weakened immune system... It's not as bad as it has been & for that I am grateful!
Kevin has had to work the most awful schedule this past week & this week... They are night flying which means days goes in around 11 & gets off around 8ish & you guessed it, He goes in around 9ish & works til around 330-5AM! That means he sleeps til noon & with a toddler, I have been trying to be gone for that time frame! It is so awful because I feel like a single parent! I put them to bed each night &get up with them each morning! Brok has been really good though & for that I can't complain too bad! Though to top off the worst schedule ever, he also has weekend duty & today they are doing a flyover so he had to work! & not just a few hours, probably til at least 2. Which means I either brave taking them both to church, alone, or we don't get to go :( I still haven't decided if I am brave enough yet- Brok is a handful, especially during sacrament! I know there are plenty of people to help but I feel bad that they are either being interrupted by him or having to take him out! We shall see!
Anyway, that is our life the past few weeks, it seems I never have the time to update like usual... I will *TRY* to post more when we know about Brok's results!
Ashley, thanks for the sweet comment. I know Keresa because her mom and my mom grew up together and are best friends. She also married a kid from my home town. How do you know her?
Wow, that is crazy and hectic. You are superwoman. I'm sorry to hear about your hubby's schedule. I'm with you on that one. Jeff just switched back to nights so I do the same thing put to bed up early in the morning. It's no fun. Hang in there! Sorry the doc appt was not helpful hopefully they will give you something to work with soon.
You do sound really busy. It's tough putting the kids to bed and getting up with them on your own, I did that up until Dec, when Michael finally stopped working 2 jobs. I feel for ya.
Remember me for the St. George married student ward? Trying to find a diagnosis sucks! We went through similar stuff with Jackson to try to find a diagnosis for him. The doctors hummed and hoed about it for what seemed like forever until finally at 2 1/2 years old they diagnosed him with cerebral palsy. When we finally had a diagnosis we could move in the right direction with different therapies to help him.
I have to tell you that you are a GREAT mom for sticking with it and persevering to find out what's going on with you child! Best of luck!
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