Which comes as no surprise to anyone but now that we have a diagnosis, we can get so many more services! among those services is
~music therapy
~EFMP aka Exceptional Family Member Program aka an excuse to become last on the list for deployment.
~ABA therapy aka applied behavioral analysis therapy aka hard work
~long term care
Does it change our day to day life? nope... He's still the same Brok he was before we knew. I will still deal with him the same way as I always did. Does that make me super mom? HArdly. Sometimes I want to pull my hair out because he is driving me bonkers. Am I the most patient person with him? uh no- you should hear us. But I will forever love him & wonder why I was chosen to have this challenge in my life. Heavenly father must think very highly of me to have given me such a special little boy to love & care for. Life may not always be easy but we can do it together.
I always wonder what he will be like in 2-3 years. Will he ever talk? will he stop the screaming? will he ever potty train? I can hope right? I mean we never thought he would walk either right? & now he is running! It just took him an extra year & a half to figure it out.
& then I think of what he will be like as a teenager. Will I have to remind him to shave? Will I have to remind him to do his homework? Ok that sounds like a normal teenage boy. but really, what will he be like?
will his brother & everyone else love him the way we do? Will he have friends? Will he do well in school? Will he get to enjoy the normal things every teenage boy does? crushes on girls? dances, sports? Will he ever win a trophy or participate on a team? Will he look forward to going on a mission? Will he be able to go?
& most importantly, is there someone out there who when the timing is right will love him & be patient enough with him that they can fall in love & get married? I know he's only 2.5 but these are things a mom wonders about ya know?
Brok you are such a special child in our home. You make our lives interesting to say the least! Would life have been different & harder if you had come into our lives second instead of first? Because we will continue to do what we have always done because we haen't known any different!
I love you son! Even though sometimes you drive us nuts, we will always love you! Thanks for having the faith in us to be your parents!
Love mom
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Hello my name is Ashley & My child is autistic
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 10:57 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Lukas Is 1!
I can't believe this year is already gone! Where did the time go my little? You are the cutest little kid ever (besides bubba you are tied with him)! I am completely in love with you all the time! You can make us laugh & smile at the smallest things!!!
~29.5 in 33%
~18lbs 14oz 4%
~don't remember exact # but head is 73%
The nurses at the doctor said they are going to call you lollipop!
Things you can do:
~crawl like a pro
~go up the stairs all by yourself (& give mom a heart attack everytime)
~cruise along furniture
~stand up alone with no help for a long time
~clap when someone says Yay or Good Job
~put your hands on your head when someone says Oh No!
~say mama dada bubba nana nini (granny)
~copy when we try to say something
~drink from a regular cup (almost without spilling)
~drink from a sippy cup with a straw
~push a walking toy without falling
~ride your little trike thing backwards
~make "vroom" noises
Things you like:
~your binky- can't go anywhere without it & it's oh so cute!
~your green blanket- you know which is yours & which isn't!
~to jump like crazy!
~4-wheeling! You loved it on your birthday!
~food! Any & all food- & lots of it! I am always amazed at how much you can eat
~your mommy- when you want to eat or just need a snuggle
~your daddy- any other time
~bubba (aka Brok) I love how you guys play together!
~puppies! you love your dogs & love to bother them!
Little you are the happiest baby I have ever met- I loved you the minute I saw you & I can't believe how big you are already?! You are my little & you make me so happy! I hope that you had a great birthday & I can't wait to see what this year holds!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 11:02 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
That about sums up our life! I feel as though I am constantly on the go... Life certainly doesn't slow down for sure...
~Lukas is practicing his balance- he is so scrawny on the bottom half that he can't support his top half! But he's getting better at letting go to stand alone! Cruises on everything & HAS to be on top of me all the time no matter what I am doing!
~Brok went down to once a month PT! This is awesome considering that he has had once a week for the past year! He is doing so well & has learned to use is voice- no words but he "yodels" & it cracks me up! He has also outgrown naps- he goes to bed around 545 & sleeps til about 7. It's awesome! He's pretty content to entertain himself during the day so I guess I am lucky that way!
~Night flying this week=BOOO! I hate night flying- he works @ 8pm all week- I guess the only good thing is we will miss the next 2 wks & when we get back, it will be over...
~VACATION!!! We will be in St George on Saturday! WHOOT! I am sooo excited! If anyone wants to hang out, you have my # or can find my email!
~I can't believe that my baby is going to be 1! Where has this year gone? I swear he was just a newborn... He is growing so fast & is a crack up! He says: mama (his favorite word), dada, bubba (brok), pup, buh-bye (& he waves too!) & he has this cutest little thing he does when he wants more- he pulls his fingers in like he's saying Gimme- cracks me up! ♥ this little dude!
~I got a new car! Oh yes- we sold our Santa Fe for way more than we could have gotten from a trade & bought us a 2005 Dodge Durango. I am in ♥! It is awesome! I can definately say it is my perfect car! The only thing missing is a DVD system but that can be purchased later! It has leather, 3rd row, rear A/C (a must here), tint, 6 cd- premium sound... Awe... love...
~our 4 year anniversary is right around the corner- Does anyone else ever feel like time flies? I am getting old!
~Temps are FINALLY going down- today was like the first day in who knows how long that it was under 100 (ok it was 99 but still). I can't wait for fall...
& I think that is pretty much it from us this week! Enjoy Lukas's modeling skills! He got to model these super cute knitted longies for our online store! YUM! he is such a ham!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 11:36 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What a bad Blogger!
I just realized it's been a month- almost- since my last post! GEEZ! I have an excuse... Not only do I run a business but I have been chasing 2 kids!
That's right! Lukas is almost 100% a "toddler" he is cruising on everything, crawls like a pro when he can't cruise & is copying his brother. Let me tell you I don't know what I got myself into! I can't adjust my brain to think that this is normal, that he is doing great & is right on track! He also recently decided that he can climb stairs- EEK! I left him & Brok downstairs for under a minute to grab something & when I got to the stairs, he was halfway up! It scares me because he is so tiny still but he loves it! I think Brok was sent to me because I needed time to prepare for the whole walking/climbing thing!
Which he is so good at now! We walk everywhere, all the time & are into everything so much more! He is in a tearing phase, EVERYTHING gets torn. Which is fine unless it's something important. But Brok is doing GREAT! He is pretty much on track with most things except for talking & he still doesn't jump, but that's ok because he is still a beginning walker! I am just happy that he is walking! We are able to do so much more now! Like today, we went with our playgroup to Pump It Up which is a bounce house type place. There was a boxing ring
a basketball court
a giant slide
& an obstacle course that the kids could play on. I left Lukas home with dad & Had tons of fun with Brok! He had a blast! I was tired afterward because I had to climb up to the top of the slide holding him (all 30+lbs) but it was so worth it!
Anyway, They are both growing so fast! I can't even believe it! It's hard to think that Lukas is almost 11months old! Each day he changes! He has the personality of a nut! He has learned to copy what we say & is learning how to sign more & milk. He is awesome! Brok is such a great brother, he loves to play with him & they feed off each other- sometimes good, sometimes bad!
Kevin is working swing shift still, it's actually been really good for us, he works early afternoon to late night & so it leaves me plenty of time in the morning for errands, or evening to work. Business is good for me, I love it & I stay totally busy all the time, my customs list is full each round & I keep return customers! We are talking about putting in to be a recruiter which would bring us closer to home, which would be nice. He sews on his next rank the beginning of November & we are looking forward to that!
We are so excited to be able to come for a visit in about 3wks! We will be in Leeds/St George area Sept 19-26th & Vegas Sept 27-Oct 2nd or so. I am excited to see everyone & especially meet my cousin who is the same age as Lukas! It will be fun to have their cute little birthday party!
Here are a few pictures of Lukas's latest adventure- it was fun!That's all from the Beals for now- I will try to be more on top of this!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 6:23 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I am grateful
I am grateful today... I dont' know why today or what made me feel so grateful today because it hasn't been the best day really but I am grateful!
I am grateful that I get to stay home with my kids but that I get to be my own boss & have this fun business on the side! I am grateful EVERYDAY for this business. It has done SOOOOO much better than what I had dreamed! I just finished my first wholesale order (I am grateful for Sharni for that one!) & continue to have great success!
I am grateful for my kids, who constantly make me laugh. I am grateful for Lukas & his sweet little scruchy face! I am grateful for him being "normal" & easy going so that I can deal with Brok! I am grateful for the bond that we have even though sometimes I wish I had more free time to myself instead of you wanting to be held! I am grateful for the fact that you LOVE your brother! What great friends you will be! I am grateful for your little skinny chicken legs! I love you little! I am grateful for Brok- who never ever gives up! You have taught me way too much in the past 2 years! Wow... I am grateful for your special little spirit that you bring! I am so grateful that you are walking. Oh boy am I! & you are doing sooooo good! Recently we have started walking into/out of & around stores. It's awesome! I am so grateful that you are starting to copy us!!! YAY! I love you toad!
I am grateful for Kevin! I love how stupid we can be at night when we are both so tired that everything is funny! I am grateful for your hugs. I am grateful for your support & help with the boys while I work in my "cave". I am grateful that you spend 9hrs a day working at a job that maybe isnt what you dreamed of so tha we have the security of a paycheck! I love you Babe.
Life is good. I am just grateful! What a great great life I have!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 6:36 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The nerve of some people
This is going to be a vent of sorts- it's on my mind & I really have no where else to tell about it... I know it's something I need to get used to but really?
We were at the commissary today, Brok, Lukas & I- with our friends Tab & Bray- but they were further back in line. Brok's in the back of the cart happily playing making noise- very loudly- he does his little shrill laugh/scream/noise thing when he mad or happy because he doesnt know how to regulate just a little bit. I hear this lady behind me at the next register say "Some people need to learn some respect for others" So I turn right around & say Back to her (I know I just added fuel to her fire but really-) "He has autism (not sure yet but probably in some form) he doesn't know any better or how to control it" So she retorts back with something like "Needs to learn respect for others, this is disrespectful" So I tell her again "He has autism, he doesn't know any better" She says "So take him outside, it's disrespectful to others in the building" (mind you he isn't doing his mad scream, just a happy LOUD noise) "I turned right back around & said "What am I supposed to do? I am alone & I am in the middle of checking out? I am supposed to take him out now? RIght" To which she says "I have kids & I just take them outside" I said back (& I am sure you can gather the tone of my voice right now) "HE HAS AUTISM. HE CAN'T HELP IT. DO I NEED TO WEAR A LABEL THAT SAYS MY KID HAS A DISABILITY?" She just keeps repeating that she has kids & takes them out & how disrespectful it is that he is being so loud. So I turn around one more time & say "You need to learn some respect for kids with disabilities. He has autism, he doesn't understand"
Seriously could people be any more rude? Do you really know what my life is like? Do you know what my child does ALL day EVERYDAY? No because you had yourself a little normal child that understood when it was time to be quiet, or understands a smack on the mouth or gets it when you say "Be quiet" If you are so sure you would handle things differently, please take him home with you, do my job for a day & see what it's like. See how he sits there & screams while I am typing this for no reason other than he wants to scream. & I don't mean throw a fit scream, I mean scream bloody murder like someone is killing you.
Fast Forward to a few hours later. We go out with our friends to get their windows tinted & we decided to hang out at the pizza place in the shopping center. There were a total of maybe 5 people who came in & out while we were there & no one seemed to mind that brok was on the floor crawling & walking around. UNTIL... This lady walks in, sees Brok & the first thing she says is "Oh, HI" in the most disgusted & rude tone ever. She was in the restaurant with us for maybe 2min & the WHOLE time all she could say was "That poor child, look how filthy he is. Oh that mother, what is she thinking" Seriously- do you think my child would be wearing CLEAN clothes & that my other child would look so well put together but still be so filthy? I mean really? If you paid an ounce of attention to him, you would realize that it was from crawling on the floor- the backs of his legs were spotless & so was his arms.
Some people are so ignorant & I just don't know why. My mom says it was just his day today & that I need to pray that they will be enlightened to the reality of the world we live in, that not every child fits the mold of what they think "perfect" is. Or that they will remember the words of Thumper from Bambi "If ya can't say sumthin nice, don't say nothin at all"
It must have just been one of those things that I needed to go through but even still as I sit here typing this out, I am so furious that someone could be so rude. Didn't their moms teach them manners? I mean I get if you are going ot talk about my kid, yeah he can be annoying but don't say it where A) I can hear it & B) while I am standing there...
That's all- sorry to unleash my fury on you... Jsut one of those days...
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 6:44 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
My favorite Diaper
Did you know that the average disposable diaper stays in a landfill for 500years?
Gdiapers are a great alternative to disposables & cloth- they are a super cute cover found in a variety of colors, with a snap in nylon liner & have the option to use a cloth insert or a flushable insert- which can also be just tossed- without the guilt of leaving it for 500 years! These inserts are comparable in price to disposables & are great if you aren't sure you want to do cloth but are tired of the leaks from disposables, the perfumes & the chemicals!
I have a great promotion going on right now- They have this great everyday pack of 6 covers- 3 vanilla & 3 orange that is offered for $70- which is still a great price- but I have a code that will take $30 off! That means you get 6 covers for $40! That is less than $7/cover! These are great for everyday use, or to test if you will like them! That great code is
I can also offer anyone who emails me letting me know they used my code, a $2 off coupon- you can take these to your local Babies R Us & get $2 off any product- There is a limited amount available so the first 10 to email will recieve them!
I Absolutely LOVE my gdiapers- they are seriously the best thing ever! So versatile & what a great way to start being more greeen!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 5:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Another milestone!
We have taken steps- WHOOT! Knowingly too- not just the usual walking along the couch & forget to hold on, not the pretend I don't know how kind. Actual, factual recordable steps!!! He took some on monday- I was talking to my mom on the phone& he walked from the end of the sliding glass door watching me, to the edge of the couch- could I get him to do it again? no...
But today- Kevin was sitting on the loveseat & telling me about work last night & all the sudden he paused- goes " Ashley Look-" to which I turn from the computer to see him walking in a waddle type walk not holding on to anything- like you or I would walk around something. a total of probably 15-20 steps!
So we decided to try to get him to do it more- success! Doritos were key but he would take anywhere from 3-10 steps to get the dorito! & then while I was visiting a friend, he did it in her hall! & in the 3ft from her coffee table to her couch!
I am trying not to get too anxious or excited but there is a BIG chance he will be walking in the next week!!!! EEK!!! I am sooooo excited! What a fun thing! He is much preferring to walk over crawl & I noticed it last week at our playdate. He will stand up at the hall & walk along the wall down the hall, he will automatically stand up at the couch to walk instead of crawl around. I am sooo proud! After all this, I wonder if he is just stubborn! I honestly wonder if he's just slow in that he gets content & stuck in a rut & likes he life how it is! What a fun day in our family!
Good job bud!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 8:26 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wow I am so bad at this!
- Lukas is now a major mover/shaker- he has been known to "crawl" down the hall to follow brother
- Brok & Lukas are more interactive with each other- Lukas will follow him, he will follow Lou- it's so cute to see them! Just today I was finishing up a sewing project & Lou had made his way into the front room & started screaming so I told Brok go find Brother & so he did & when he got to the front room- Lou had stopped crying! They are becoming such good friends!
- Brok is learning to communicate with us better (or maybe I just understand him more). Like when he wants more of anything he claps & claps & claps... or if he wants something he comes over to the gate by the computer & grabs my arm. If he needs a diaper change he grabs under his crotch & makes a noise so I see him.
- Kevin moves to a new location & gets new people/loses people from his AMU Monday. Not really sure why but he will be on the same schedule & hopefully it is a good thing
- I opened a new online store (or 3 coming up) where I now have "in-stock" items & am going to be featured on several large popular sites- This business is taking off & I love it!
- Kevin was weedeating the yard Monday & hit a rock & it hit the sliding glass door & it shattered it... well the outside pane... crappy- $279 to replace...
- The car has a leaky power steering pressure hose. & some failing switch or something... gunna be $375 to replace- covered under warranty so we only pay $100 but add that to the rest of what we have paid... UGH I don't want to think about it...
- Brok is expressing a desire to want to walk but won't do it...
- We planted a few seeds last weekend... Beans, watermelon, tomatoes, artichoke & carrots- the beans sprouted on day 1 & are now over 12" tall... all have srouted at least one plant...
- I finally put my vinyl letters on my car... wow...
- Last weekend we went to eat pizza with Heather & Kevin Baker & as we were getting ready to leave, Brok crawled right in front of me as I was turning around & hit my knee- he face planted onto the tile & got a fat fat lip... now he has learned to lick his lips!
Well that about covers the last 2 weeks... Life is crazy- I don't know what to do anymore! Both my kids are mobile, my house is semi-clean, & my business is thriving... Life is happy...
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Weight Stats
Went to WIC today:
Brok is 28lbs 12oz, 36 in which means 63rd percentile for weight, 89th percentile for height
Lukas is 14lbs 14oz & 26in which meand 3rd percentile for weight, 50th percentile for height
Which means that in total not including carseat, diaper bag or the occasional grocery load, I carry with me 43lbs 10oz of PURE baby. Wow... where is all that muscle? I still feel like a weakling...
I am going to have some very tall kids! Poor Lukas is going to have a problem if the doc tries to tell me to feed him formula! I tried- he doesn't like it!
On another note- I put Brok to bed last night, diaper on, shorts on. Kevin got Brok up this morning, diaperless, shortsless & dry... diaper was dry & so far, no pee on the floor that we have found- does this mean we can potty train?
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 12:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Has it really been almost a month?
Wow... I really need to be better at this...
This month in highlight:
- Brok took 2 steps by himself, none intentionally since then
- Brok can't have any fruit juice :(
- Lukas is a pro roller-over-er
- Brok has a new bedtime of 730-8pm- MARVELOUS
- Both boys wake up at 6am- every morning, on the dot, no matter what
- I celebrated 1 year in business (& am doing another fun giveaway! check it out!)
- Heather & I get together most weeks at least once a week
- I moved my sewing stuff to the downstairs room
- Kevin found out his AMU is moving down the flight line & that he is staying in it while other friends are switching to new ones.
- Lukas turned 7mo & is trying to crawl
- Brok has discovered he loves Bananas & Honey nut Cheerios & frozen burritos
- We got Harley, another min pin
- We are now on speech therapist #2 & DSI #2 for Brok (2nd times a charm?)
Pretty much this month has just been busy... Nothing exciting but a lot of busy-ness...
We have had to cut out all juice from Brok. He got an extremely bad rash that wouldn't go away so we decided to cut out the first thing that has always caused the rash... Well unfortunately it went away & hasn't come back so he can't have any more juice. He has also been switched to soy milk becuase of the same reason :( Also, his EI & speech therapists weren't workng out with us so we are once again starting over there! We just have bad luck with the first round! Brok is such a goof- he makes us laugh all the time! His new favorite thing is see thorugh stuff- he has learned that he can see thorugh anything that is relatively clear & we see him knee walking around with a plate on his face! Boy do we love him! Yesterday I came down the stairs & he had found some gum I had bought a week ago & was chewing a huge wad! Like he knew what gum was! What a nut!
Lukas is such an easy going baby... He is happy to be on the floor & play, he is happy to go down when it's nap time... Just very mellow. He has seemed to grow up this month, he looks more like a little boy vs a baby... Which is ok- he is still babyish to me! He is still extremely tiny, especially around his waist but this child can move! He has learned to scoot himself (almost army crawl but not quite) to get what he wants or to roll to get to it. He is pushing up on his hands & toes (like a pushup) & has realized he can fling his body forward that way. He has also learned to feed himself Cheerios- Brok & he will sit on the floor together & eat them. Cute! He has this new game he likes to play where he will push his body up as high as he can while in bed & peek-a-booing over the rail. It's so cute! This child has won my heart! I can't get enough!
I am busy as ever... just trying to get everything ready for my new stores opening on Hyena Cart (Simply Serendipity & Breath of Fresh Air Congos). Instead of doing strictly customs, I will now have a stock of items on hand... IT shoud be fun...
Besides that, there isn't much to mention... Harley is such a fun dog- he is so good! We love him!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Update again & another giveaway!
Ok- I know 3 posts in 2 days! Wow! Read the other posts!
so here's the stats:
Lukas-6mo on April 3rd so today is 6mo & 12days
weighs in at 14lb, 14oz (& he even nursed & had a jar of food prior to going!)- in the 10th%
is 26in long 50%
his head is 17.9cm circumference- which is actually rather large 50-75%
This man is skinny! & my doctor is insane- he told me to feed him steak, eggs, cheese... all the things that I have forever been told not to feed a baby under age 1- so I won't because I googled it & even though steak would be fine if cut up teeny tiny- egg whites are not & yolks are not until age 8-9mo. & cheese is not good in large quantities... Anyway
And for the giveaway- check it out- not my things but I am hosting it! www.babybugcreationsllc.com- very cute items from extrememly talented mamas!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 7:44 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
We are alive!
It has been a CRAZY CRAZY few weeks!
We have done sooo much!
- Blessing
- saying mama
- drinking juice
- Eating pizza & cake for the first time
- having a half birthday
- outgrowing his 0-3mo clothes (about time!)
- had his 1st Easter
- turned 2
- learned to sign "more, cracker, cookie, please" and throw his cup at me to get more milk
- learned to walk with a walker toy
- took 2 steps alone
- had 3 birthday parties
- Had Easter
- had a week off
- visited his family
- started working back to a somewhat decent schedule (2-10)
- got to sit in the back of a super old plane
- enjoyed his family
- forgot to lock the doors on his car
- got his stereo stolen
- took a week vacation with 2 kids under 2 (ok kevin was there)
- sister came to stay for a week
- family came to stay for 3 days, ended up staying for 5
- uses cloth diapers on her kids
- finished stocking her stash for the diapers
- started & finished over 20 orders in a week
- Got to see all her old work friends
- feels like she has no time!
Basically it was a very good passed month & even though we have been CRAZY busy, I wouldn't have traded it for the world!
Brok is progressing so well... He now has all the building blocks to walk, it's a matter of doing it... He will walk with a toy- We had worked on in in therapy but she had to hold onto it so when I was working with him I tried to get him to do it but he just took off! I remember thinking he is going to face plant but he did so well & does it all the time downstairs! Now we're trying to wean him off that & to walking alone.
Lukas can now say mama & it is his favorite thing to do. He also fit into the same blessing outfit that Brok wore when he was 2wks old & I think that he actually almost fit it better! He is still our tiny dude! We have his 6mo on Wed.
Kevin is just working away while I hang out at home... Which I rarely do! I feel like I am constantly on the go! I pick up & take an 11yr old girl from school and so I leave at 830am & get home around 9, then pickher up at 230 on mondays & 330 T-Fri. It keeps me on my toes!
Enjoy this slide show of all we have done!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 6:44 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Lukas's blessing
Sunday March 29. 2009
2:30 pm
Leeds LDS chapel Relief Society Room
Come if you want! We'd love to have you!
PLEASE READ the other post!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 10:42 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The past 2 yrs- I Love you Brok
Where have they gone? I could swear I was just pregnant with you! I was wondering what you would look like, who you would be like & how I could love someone so much!
& then you were here & my life has never been the same! You were sent to me to teach me patience & how to love. I don't know what I would do without you! The past year has been something to remember!
You are my special kid- You make me laugh & cry & want to pull my hair out! But overall I just have an overwhelming feeling of love... You teach me something new everday! You are my hero- when you fall, you don't give up- you get back up & keep movin... I am so proud of all you have accomplished... From last year when Dr Harsha told us you had autism, to now where we know you have sensory integration disorder so much has changed! You couldn't even hardly sit up! Now you are crawling around like a mad man & cruising around all the furniture! you are sooo close to walking! You couldn't hold your bottle, let alone drink out of a cup! Now you are a pro! You can use a cup with a straw, & can even sometimes with help drink from the dixie cups during nursery!
you Couldn't talk, now you can say mom & can sign more, please & eat! You LOVE to read your pink ant book & to swing!
Brok, I love you! I love how your eyes light up when your dad walks into the room & even more how even though you are a daddy's boy, you still will always love your mom, I love how you cock your head to the side to look at us when we pick you up, I love how you can fall asleep on the floor- anywhere, anytime- even in the pizza place! I Love how you are content to play with silverware or wires! I love how you can laugh & cry in the same breath! I love how you steam roll or plow over your brother & how much he adores you! You are so special to me & I want you to always remember that!
Happy birthday bug! you are my baby & I can't believe that it has been 2 yrs since you came into my world & left your mark! You have taught me so much about myself & about life & I am so grateful that you chose me to be your mommy! I love you Brok Grant Beal!
- crawled at 16mo
- cruised for the first time at 17mo
- Became a big brother at 18mo & 3wks
- climbed stairs for the first time at 19.5mo
- climbed onto the couch first time at 22mo
- climbed down the stairs first time at 23mo
- opened the toilet for the first time :) at 23mo
ps- this is a day late but we are visiting Granny & Grandpa so I couldn't use the computer!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 8:56 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
This week in my life... sorry- it's long
Will live forever...


Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 7:34 AM 4 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
I just posted so PLEASE read that one too but I am hosting a give away on my site & want all my mommy & blogger friends to participate! Check it out & maybe one of you can win!
I am also featured in a giveaway on www.thelittlewindowshoppe.com
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Chaos is the story of my life!
What a few weeks it has been! I swear I dont know where the time goes!
Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 8:30 AM 4 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
another 2 weeks have come & gone
What have we been up to?




Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 10:25 AM 3 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
I Love Giveaways!


Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
This past week
Not too much going on here-



Posted by Ashley & Kevin at 6:47 PM 1 comments